Saturday, April 27, 2013


This boy is a comedian. He loves to be silly. He loves to dance around and shake his booty.

He has the most expressive facial expressions. He is loving and kind. He is mischevious and can be naughty. He is quick to forgive. He is sensitive and caring.

He loves cowboys, trains, spiderman, ironman, toy story, cars, and cailou

He Loves water. He loves to play and explore. He is curious and is eager to learn.

He is adventerus. He is a great brother and very protective.
Other things about Sawyer. He loves the color blue. He loves to read stories, he loves to be outside. He hates shoes. He takes them off outside, other people's house, in the car, you name it he would rather go without.
He is a little guy. He still wears 2t clothing even though he will be 4 in August. Maybe he can play soccer or be a wrestler?
He is so helpful! He usually starts to help without even being asked.
He is excited about EVERYTHING! He often shouts WhoooHooo!
He says the cutest things. Most people can't understand him. Ava is our translator. Here are my favorite things he says. That's Bross (gross), I-ov-ew(I love you). We gotta tick toge-er(stick together), Just a little tiny bit? (used for anything I say no to), Are you serious???
He is definitely a joy and keeps us on our toes.

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