Saturday, April 27, 2013


I haven't done a child update in FOREVER! I decided now is a great time!
Ava is so funny. She loves to sing, tell stories, play my little pony, lalaloopsy, fairies, dress-up and barbies. She is always dreaming and playing pretend.

She is a great big sister. She is always helping with the littles and loves being in charge.

She loves to play. She is always on the go.

She is silly. She loves to make people laugh.

She LOVES learning. She remembers everything! She is learning to read and write. Everyday I ask her what she learned and she says "nothing, I already know everything." She loves to read and books are her favorite.
Other funny things about Ava. She is a picky eater. She loves PB sandwiches, ritz crackers, goldfish, carrots, oranges, grapes, pizza, and chicken sandwiches.
She loves all things pink, sparkly, and princess.
She loves to help me clean, fold laundry, cook, and take care of others.
She is growing so fast!!!

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