Monday, March 25, 2013

What do you want?

My favorite quote....

If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way, if you don't you'll find an excuse.
One of the great parts of this journey, is goal setting.
You get really specific and down to the details.
If you want to lose say 97 lbs write it down.
You want a bigger booty,
You want to run a marathon
You want to go hike up to the Y on the mountain
You want to fit into skinny jeans (mint for me please!)
You want to be in control at functions with food
You want to pass up Halloween/Easter candy with ease
When you write your goals write them IN THE PRESENT TENSE!!!
What you believe you achieve!
I was watching the biggest loser finale (love it!! Go Danni!!)
I was reading the tweets from the competitors the week prior to the show. This is what Jeff the guy who came in second tweeted just a few days before the finale.  "So many weigh ins this season were determined by 1lb...something tells me the finale will be no different... #bl14 #biggestloser"  He put in his mind that one pound would make or break him. Guess what he lost by????
1 pound!
I know that all the results were really close, but what if he had set his intentions on something else??
You get what you ask for! Whatever you want (and be specific) you can have!!
Believe it Achieve it!!!!

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