Thursday, March 21, 2013

I can do hard things!

I am not going to lie, this is hard! Last week wasn't hard at all! I had no cravings, wasn't ever hungry, it was easy. This week I hit a wall. I wanted every chip, cracker, cookie and piece of chocolate out there. I didn't go crazy don't worry, but I wanted to! I know there will be ups and downs in this journey but man this week is a STRUGGLE!!!

I went to the mall to "mall-walk" yesterday to get some visual inspiration. Probably not the smartest thing for an impulse buyer like myself, but nothing fits me yet anyway so I felt safe. I LOVE all the fun spring colors right now. As I was eating my salad (which was really good btw) I kept reminding myself WHY I was eating it instead of the yummy Philly cheese steak I REALLY wanted. I kept a visual of a pair of Mint Skinny jeans in my head so that when I want to binge, I won't!

I came home printed out that picture of a pair of mint skinnies and put it EVERYWHERE! The bathroom mirror, the fridge, my car, the door. I want to see it and be motivated!

Then I made stuffed Philly Cheese steak Green Peppers to satisfy my craving and WOW were they awesome!!!

My friend from meetings, Lynette, is my Guardian Angel I swear! She always calls to check on me at the perfect time and says JUST what I need to hear. She told an analogy of when she was learning to snowboard recently. She fell down and was on her bum and couldn't figure out how to get up. The more she wiggled the more stuck she got. It wasn't until she flipped over and got on her knees that she was able to get up. She said when you get knocked down, get on your knees and you will have the power to get back up and keep going. LOVE IT!!!

I know that this time is different. I know there is no race and no finish line. I know that it is ONLY with the Lord's help I will be able to conquer this. By getting on my knees daily, hourly, or constantly if need be and asking him to take my burden he will help me. I have been so humbled and know I can't do this alone. I am grateful he is there and willing to help me every time I ask for help. Even when I have moments of pride and think I can do it alone, he humbles me so I will remember to go to him. What an awesome gift!

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