Friday, December 14, 2012

Weighty Truth

I Have been MIA and I am sorry. If anyone is even still out there...... Our Computer broke SOOO what little time I get on the computer, is using Rob's Laptop. Since it is Winter break for him at school, I may get a few posts in! WAHOOO! So tonight, I have some thoughts I wanted to jot down. I have been reading lots of inspiring blogs lately on my good ol' itouch! Women who have lost weight and now live an inspiring life.
You Guys! I want it so bad! What is holding me back??? What makes them successful and me not!!!
Another guy who inspires me is named Shay Carl. He has a youtube channel the Shaytards and I watch it all the time. He has lost over 100 lbs also. The other day he said something that hit me. He said There are many weight loss programs out there pick one and just do it.
It was so true. It really doesn't matter the method you use to lose weight. IT IS THE STICKING TO A PLAN!!!! Hello!!!
That is why I haven't succeeded. I jump around, get bored, try this and that and never STICK WITH ANYTHING!
In church on Sunday someone made the comment Christ will help you move mountains, sometimes it is just a handful at a time. This too hit me.
I want this to be quick, easy, and effortless.
It WON'T be! It will take time, little by little, changing and STICKING to good habits will be what makes me successful.
I am tired of this roller coaster. I am tired of feeling defeated. I am tired of letting myself down.
I want to be healthy for myself and my family.
I saw this picture on my friend's facebook of us with our sweet new babies and I wanted to PUKE!
All I could think of was my DISGUSTING legs and how they look like chicken drumsticks. GROSS!

I want to be proud of my body. I want to look at a picture and see a beautiful moment in time not be ashamed of my failures.

So I headed back to the gym. I told myself until my Gym membership ends I have to go to this Thursday class. IT IS HARD Ya'll! I have been twice and am sore the next few days. I told myself all through the class, I don't care if you CRAWL OUT THE door, you are finishing!!! So I made it through BOTH times. I tripped over one of my weights last time and fell which usually would have embarrassed me out of class, but I got up and kept going.

It's a start and I am scared but I hope I can get some good support and inspiration and keep going!

I will update as much as I can!

Thanks for reading!

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