Sunday, December 16, 2012

Reasons I hate being Fat

I am writing this in case I forget.....

In case I want to eat an entire bag of Oreos.....

In case I want to give up.....

1. I hate clothes.... I either have to order online (they never fit right), shop at the grandma section, or spend big $$$ at Torrid or Lane Bryant.....

2. I am TIRED! I don't want to be lazy, I just have NO ENERGY! EVER!

3. I run out of breath! I can't run and chase my kids, Bounce at a bounce house, or climb the stairs to my apartment.

4. I jiggle. I hate running on the treadmill for this reason, but I suck it up because At least I am doing something!

5. I can't look at myself from the neck down. I hate mirrors, windows, and pictures

6. I hurt. My back, knees, joints all hurt.

7. I get sores. Skin sores and they aren't fun.

8. Rashes.

9. The looks from other people. If I go into a "Normal store" I either get the look or someone asks me if I am looking for a gift for someone.

10. I wanna look cute. I see cute clothes all the time and get frusterated that I can't find anything cute trendy and fashionable.

11. Shoes. I love cute fun shoes. I settle for comfortable, flat shoes so I don't fall.

12. Falling. Snow, Ice, My ankles giving out, tripping. Falling for me could mean breaking something.

13. I am much more reserved because I am ashamed of my weight. I am not outgoing or outspoken because I am embarrassed.

14. I am playing small not being my true self. I am holding myself back and I hate that!

15. I want to be inspiring and Proud of myself.

16. All this makes me unhappy. I just want to be happy again......


Mindy said...

you are smart to post these things so you don't forget!! you can do it. i know you, and i KNOW you can! xox

Kara said...

You can do it!!