Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tips on Thursday!

I'm BORED! How many times have you heard that already this summer??? Well here are a few more great Ideas that you can do to help beat the boredom.

Have a Quick Cash Jar. Put quick chores that your kids can do in a jar and have them pull them out. Have a cash or point value written on each job and your kids can earn some extra dough for summer fun!
Record how much they have earned and pay them each week.

Have a How does it work jar. Write down some things you want to learn about. Like how is ice cream made, how does a clock work, how do monkeys swing from their tails, how are Twinkies made? Then research it together and if possible make it together.

Go on a virtual field trip. Google places all over the world you probably won't ever visit. Have your kids write a paragraph or two about what they learned! Go to Bali, Tanzania, Indonesia, Italy, Tahiti! Take a virtual TRIP!!!

Make paper bag puppets and write a play and perform it! How fun!! Old MacDonald, Three little pigs, Goldilocks etc!

Have a relay race. Make an obstacle course. Play mother-my-I. Get out and get moving!

Think of a service project. Make cookies for someone who meeds a lift, go sing at a nursing home, visit someone who is ill or had a baby, clean out your closets and take the clothes to someone who needs it, write to a missionary and send them a goody box, write to someone in the military who is deployed and send them an gift.

Hope these help!

1 comment:

Linds said...

Great ideas Annie. Thanks for sharing.