Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tips on Thursday

I really LOVE being a mother. It brings me great happiness and joy. I always dreamed of being a mother! I daydreamed much of my teenage years about it. I made up job charts, names, planned home layouts, cut out pictures of decor and furniture, imagined schedules, fun family things to do. Then I became a mother and I forgot ALL THAT in the Chaos! I am starting to remember all that and it is so fun. Here are a few tips for being a present Mother.

1. VALIDATE your children. They are asking us Do you see me? Do You Hear ME? Does What I have to say matter? Am I important? My mother did an amazing job at this. I always felt like I was amazing, wanted, and important. When they show you a bug, rock, scab, say watch me, or tell a funny story, validate them. Don't brush it off with that's great, nice job, etc. Get in there with them and enjoy that little interaction. Ask questions about the bug, the picture, the story whatever. Have a little place in your home to display great things they have done. Have a little journal to record funny things they say or sweet things they do. VALIDATE THEM!

2. Have one on one time. Take them to the store alone, read with them, take them on a date, have them help make dinner, play a game with them. Anything to make them feel like they are special.

3. Play with them. Take time each day to Play. Play tag, go to a park and swing, put a puzzle together, play hide-n-seek, build a fort.

4. Be in the moment. Don't think about your to do's, your cleaning, your appointments. BE THERE.

5. Be deliberate and have a plan. Each week plan out a goal for the week. Daily do things to reach that goal. Think of something each day you can do for them, for yourself, and for others.

6. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! If you don't take care of you first you are worth-less to them. NOT worthless, just worth LESS then if you show up as your best self. Put on clothes that make you feel confident. DO your hair and make-up. SHOW UP! Be your best self and they will be their best selves.

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