Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's Up Wednesday!?

This has been an eventful week! I am sick and so is Sawyer. I assume as the normal protocol goes that Rob and Ava are soon to follow. I went into the kids' room today to find that they had pulled out EVERY piece of clothing they own and thrown them to and fro. Oh boy! I spared you all the pictures but it was bad! It is a good thing they are so cute! Otherwise I would be selling them as a two for one package deal! In other news, Rob is plugging away at school and doing great! It is awesome that he has time at work to do his homework. Heaven knows it wouldn't happen in our chaos! Sawyer is saying lots of new things and growing into a little boy. Ava is obsessed this week with hopscotch and makes one out of my scrapbook papers everyday. At least they are being put to good use! She has also started saying "Yes, my Mother, Coming, my Mother." Who knows where it came from! Here is a clip from two of my favorite mothers! Linda Eyre and her daughter Shawni Pothier Enjoy!

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