Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tips on Thursday!

This week I am going to share how I make my Sundays and week in general easier by making Saturday a preparation day. When I take this one day to get the week ready, I am MUCH less stressed the rest of the week. Try it!

1. Meals- I plan all my meals and prep them. I assemble them as much as possible. I marinate and bag my meats, cut veggies, put ingredients all together in containers or Ziplocs. Then I literally pull the stuff out and cook it or make it. SO SIMPLE. It saves me on busy nights during the week. I even make my lunches. I make a few turkey, ham, and pb sands and keep them in the fridge. I add condiments or veggies on the day that I eat it, but that way I am not pulling out a thousand ingredients each meal. Also Packing Rob's Lunches are a breeze! I cook up a whole bunch of eggs to make egg sandwiches or burritos for breakfast. I assemble the portion of cereal or oatmeal in a container then that becomes my bowl to eat from.LESS THINKING, LESS mess, less work, less cleanup!

2. Clothes- I make sure all the laundry is done and I plan out our clothes for the week. I put each outfit in a hanging divider in our laundry room or our closets. I even put workout clothes and Rob's work uniform including socks all together so we aren't in a rush trying to find something. I make sure I look at the weather report and plan accordingly. I make sure that our Sunday Clothes including socks, shoes and accessories are ready, ironed, and all together so we aren't scrambling to get ready before church.

3.Bags- I make sure I have a car bag with snacks ready to go at all times so that when we run errands, we can just grab it and go. I have water, granola bars, nuts, apples, and jerky in there so as we are out and about we aren't tempted to eat out. I make sure our church bag is ready with snacks, coloring books, flip cards, magnetic paper dolls, and magic ink coloring books. I have my bag ready with scriptures, notebook, pen, ensign etc.

4. Schedules- I go over our schedule for the week and plan out our activities. I know what is happening when and have goals for the week. I set goals financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially. I see what bills are due, what events we have, appointments, play dates, workouts, and Rob's School and Work times.

It is not always perfect, but the weeks I don't do this are so CRAZY!!! I want to scream! When I take this one day to plan, it goes so much smoother.

1 comment:

Christal said...

I love your thinking and recipes! You are amazing!