Wednesday, July 3, 2013

First 30 days!

Back at the beginning of June I started a 90 day challenge with myself. I cut out white flour, white sugar (except for treat meals :) ). I went to Jazzercise Monday-Saturday. Some days (1-2 times per week) I took a walk, did a video, or some other form of exercise. The results???

10 1/2 inches off my body!!
- 6 lbs!!!

I am so happy! I know that the best way to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF, is slow and steady!

I found an exercise I LOVE and CRAVE doing.

I found foods that work with and for my body.

I am LISTENING to my body. Eating when hungry, stopping when full, and not eating when I am not hungry.

I am at peace for the first time I can remember and I thank my Heavenly Father DAILY for helping me find the answers.

I believe everyone's journey is different. What is working for me may not work for someone else. I know I was being prompted in the right direction all along, but was too stubborn/stuck in my addiction to listen.

I know Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and he will give us answers if we just listen.

Because I am not constantly obsessing about food, my weight, my body etc I am more in tune with myself, god, my children, and the world around me. I drive with the windows down so I can smell the AMAZING morning summer air. I notice the little things about my kids that are unique to them. I am able to enjoy my time with them rather then stressing about nonsense!

FOR the next leg of my challenge, I am focusing on High Protein/Low carb (Gastric Bypass Diet), DRINKING 3 Liters of water a day, adding yoga to my routine, and Continuing to LISTEN to my body!!!

Breaking it down has REALLY made this easier! I can focus on a few pounds at a time and not be overwhelmed by the BIG GOAL!

My goal was originally 50 lbs by September. I think I will change it to 30 instead. Slow and Steady wins the race!

 Here are some before and afters. I KNOW the changes aren't huge. I can tell in my face, under arms, and bum...

day 1
day 30

day 1
day 30

So, here's to progress!!!

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