I, like Charlie Sheen want to be "winning" in life, so I picked it up.
It was a pretty good read, although I am not quite as cynical as the good Doctor, I learned a lot.
One thing he talked about was our personal image. What is the message you are sending out everyday?
How are you "branding" yourself?
What picture comes to mind when people think of you?
He has you describe how you WANT to be viewed like you would describe a character in a play.
It was fun for me and I learned I am not always sending out the message I want to be about myself.
He says you need to stay in that character at all times, and to sell it.
If you don't like what you are selling, change it!
Now there are things we can't control (without botox or surgery of course) like our nose, height, lisp, etc. but you can make those things WORK FOR YOU instead of trying to hide it.
He says the things you think you are hiding, are actually the things you are broadcasting about yourself (or maybe that was Iyanla VanZant that said that, I digress.)
My thing I have always been trying to "Hide" about myself is obviously my weight. I know it sounds stupid since it is an obvious thing you notice when you look at someone, but that is my thing.
Instead, own it ROCK it and do the best you can with whatever it is that you are "hiding".
I really love analogies. I remember things better if I create a visual picture for myself. So here is one for you,
Imagine that our bodies are all cars.
I know most people would want to be a Ferrari
I would love to be a hot pink convertible mini cooper
Small, girlie, fun to be with, carefree, etc.
I got this instead whomp whomp....
The Yellow pinto-
The car nobody wants to be seen in, might breakdown, guzzles gas, is clumsy and loud, and just plain shlumpy.
Well, you know what folks? That is the car I got so I can either HATE IT, try to hide it, hope I never see anyone when I go on errands, let it rust and rot OR
I can get it a new paint job, rebuild the engine, get some pretty air fresheners, buy some leopard seat covers, and hang some fuzzy dice in the mirror. PIMP MY RIDE!
I can change the oil regularly, put good gas into it, wax it till it shines, and play AWESOME music.
I may never get to upgrade and trade in my pinto for my dream mini cooper convertible, but I can ROCK what I got you feel me???
What message are you selling? Is it the one you want?
Go buy some fuzzy dice........
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