Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 60, Amelia's Birthday, Updates

So today is day 60 of my personal 90 day challenge. Originally, I wanted to lose 30 lbs by the end of summer. I have made some awesome changes that really have nothing to do with the scale. I am super proud of that! I have been working out 5-6 times a week all summer. That has NEVER happened! EVER! I feel healthy, strong, happy, and confident. I have more energy and have learned to deal with stress in a healthy way. Our lives have been SO stressful this last month!

Rob switched to Graveyards, and is looking for other employment. Amelia turned 1! That has been really hard on me because she is my baby and the last baby I will have. Amelia is starting to talk, walk with assistance, eat real food etc. She is so happy and fun. She gives kisses, turns herself in circles, laughs at everything, and dances. She is a joy! Sawyer has decided on his own he was ready to wear big boy pants and go potty. He pretty much just started doing it one day and has had very few accidents! I am excited to be able to spend more one on one time with him this fall. He is learning and growing so much! Hard to believe he entered this world at 3lbs 11oz. We were so worried about what the future would hold for him. He has proven to be a warrior with a fighter attitude. Ava is getting ready to start Kindergarten and she was accepted into the Advanced kindergarten program so she will go to school all day. I am not ready for her to be gone all day. She is such a fun girl, so smart, and a big helper.

On top of all those changes, Amelia has gone back to waking up twice a night. I am guessing because she no longer is on formula and gets hungry. So that means I get up twice and I get insomnia and can't get back to sleep. I am one tired momma! In the past, I would have let that be an excuse not to go to Exercise. NO MORE! I just put my caffeine in my water and GO GO GO!!! 

The last time life was this stressful, I gained 15lbs in one month!!! This month I used Exercise as a release instead of turning to food! I am so proud of that!

So my results this month were -3lbs and 4 1/2". All things considering, I am proud of those numbers! I know I made great changes and NEVER gave up on myself or the process!

Here are my pictures:
Last month                                                This month



Sorry they are blurry, Oh well you get the gist!
Here are the pictures from Amelia's first birthday. Enjoy!

Here are just random shots from last month:

He really wanted to show off his
 big boy pants. They are backward and inside out but hey!

Ava wanted a picture too!

1 comment:

Sycamore Girl said...

I see you girl. I've been following your blog and love the things you have to say about your life. Sorry I don't comment more often, or come visit for that matter! Gah! We've all got our "stuff" right now and I commend you for using positive outlets for dealing with your life stress.
Way to go Amelia on turning one, and sawyer making your life easier with potty training and Ava headed to school. All of these things are very exciting!
thinking of you and love you!