Tuesday, June 11, 2013

You attract who you are.

We are all mirrors to each other.
When you are attracted to someone else in friendships, in relationships, in general, it is because they are reflecting back to you the attributes within your self that you already have and can refine and make a strength.
A lot of times this attraction is misinterpreted as jealousy, envy, or self loathing.
That girl in high school you thought was so perfect, your ex-boyfriends new girl, you perfect sibling.
All the things you think you are jealous of, really are just seeds of greatness that you have yet to water and grow within yourself.
You also see in others what you dislike about yourself.
Those people who annoy you, the girl who can't stop talking about herself, the guy who disregarded your feelings.
Instead of getting angry or hateful, look inside yourself and see if maybe they are reflecting back to you something that needs remodeling inside you.
We are attracted to people who are like we are, or who we want to be like. We want to feel better about ourselves, be inspired, lifted up and have a happy experience.
If we are depressed, self-centered, unhappy, miserable, and mean, guess what we attract?
Like attracts like.
I have been thinking a lot about this concept lately.
I want more good people in my life. I want close friends who truly care about me. I want to be thought of, and validated. I want to be inspired to be my best self.
I have felt like garbage about myself for so long. I have felt like my opinion and who I am was unimportant. I have felt like I have no talents and nothing to contribute.
HELLO! Look at the message I was sending out! STAY AWAY!
The people I admire are kind, thoughtful, look for the good, encouraging, faithful, loving, spiritual, close to Heavenly Father, Happy:)
So DUH! What do I need to be if I want that in my relationships???
It is simple when you think about it.
Like attracts like.
The things you love or hate about someone has NOTHING to do with them and EVERYTHING to do with you.
We have greatness within us!
I choose from today to find that greatness, harvest it with care, and tenderly separate all that I wish to change by finding the roots of those weeds and pulling them out so they NEVER come back.
Here are the things I am going to do to find the good in myself and see things with rose colored glasses:)
1. Find 3 things to be grateful for everyday.
2. Journal daily about a positive experience from the day.
3.Take care of my body
-relieves stress
-endorphins make me happy:)
-I can physically do god's work
-learn to stay present and in the moment leading to more quality interactions
-Learn to listen more
5. Practice more kind gestures, compliments, acts of kindness, service, and thoughtfulness
6. Pray for others
7.Ask for forgiveness
8.Think before I speak
9.When I feel jealous, angry or bitter ask WHY?
10. Treat people how I want to be treated.
Thanks to everyone who loves and supports me.

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