Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Saving them dollars!


Now that I feel I have my diet and exercise under control, I feel I can move on to the other things in life that need some shaping up.

I have gotten very good at saving money over the course of our marriage.

We can always improve and improve is what we shall do people!

I have always been worried what people will think if I put my thriftiness out there.

Some people are grossed out by the thought of wearing other people's clothes, Well, I am grossed out about the thought of living on the street. LOL

Like Dave Ramsey says, you have to live like no one else, so that you can later live like no one else.

Lots of people these days want instant gratification. They want stuff now and will put stuff on credit to get it.

I was TERRIBLE with this when I was single. I bought what I wanted with NO fear of the future.

Yeah, That was fun to try to break!!!

Now, I love saving money! I love sharing about a good deal too!

Summer is when we have all our kids and lots of extended family's birthdays.

Rob's birthday is coming up and I set our budgets at $30 for birthdays. I know some are freaking out, but $30 buys a lot if you spend it right!

I got him 2 pair of NICE slacks, 4 name brand silk ties, and 2 white dress shirts (that retailed at $25 each) all for $30!!!

I got Amelia 6 shirts and 4 dresses all for $30! I chose colors that will transition into fall to help them last longer. I also can put some cute leggings or tights under the dresses so they will work longer too!

I got Ava's Christmas stuff (now to find a great hiding spot). I doll an Aurora 18" doll regularly $25 for $12. A dollhouse with people for $5. and a darling magnetic doll for $7.

I also got her first day of school outfit for FREEEEEEE!!! Normally $50!!!

I need to get back into DILIGENTLY using coupons, meal planning, and eating what we already have! Aye-yii-yii!

I also got a FREE wallet for Disneyland, and FREE ring.

I LOVE a good deal!


1 comment:

The Skinny on Staci said...

You just can't beat FREE! Love it! :)