Monday, September 16, 2013


I have not done this for awhile, so here goes.

You know I am obsessed with bars!! Here are a few favorites.

Pure bar. These are SO good. Price but good. they are treats for me since they are about $2.00 a bar. They are EVEN BETTER than LaraBars. The brownie one is HEAVEN! Tastes like a brownie! Great snack on the go!

Speaking of Larabar, I still love these. Not all flavors are good, and honestly I waited a long time to try this one because a lot of the fruit flavors are POTENT!!! This is really good. Mild on the blueberry not too tart. YUMM!!!

You thought I would leave Trader Joe's off the list? NEVER! These baby's are tasty! Another treat for sure!

These are addictive....But I think 1 serving is like 100 chips so what the hey! I love the siracha, but they are HOT! Original is yummy too!

This popcorn is so YUMMY!!! 35 calories per serving? YES PLEASE!

These are so moist! 365 organic fruit strips. Sometimes carrying real fruit isn't an option. I keep these babies in my purse/diaper bag for a sweet treat.

This is my favorite bread! Open faced sandwiches are wonderful!!!

What are your favorite foods???

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