Friday, September 13, 2013

Fit Fab Friday!!!

Hey! Hey! Holla!!!

How are you all this fine day???

So, let's be real shall we???

In my 90 day challenge I lost a total of 13 lbs. I don't know how many inches because I lost my sheet and truthfully it doesn't matter!

I had a great summer and finished it feeling accomplished and proud of myself and the changes I have made.

Since September started, things have been very fly by the seat of your pants!

I have been sick, getting kids here, Rob there, lunches, and errands, and mom stuff oh my!

So, I have been off track and I feel it!

Life is busy, and hectic, and I CANNOT go into auto pilot!!!

Auto-pilot= frozen food, drive thrus, little fruits and veggies, quick fixes, and me feeling like junk!!!

I have been missing Jazzercise more often then not, like I have only been 4 times in the last 13 days.....


I feel it. I feel sluggish, and tired, and floppy....

My food choices have been less then stellar and I usually end up juicing veggies before they go bad rather than eating fresh live food!!!

Eat live food, feel alive.

Eat crap, feel like CRAP!!!

So it is time to get back on track!

THE PLAN (you know in case you wanna follow along)

wake up and drink lemon water - Clean the liver and WAKE UP!!!

Breakfast- Green Juice/Smoothie with an open faced egg sandwich or pb toast with bananas, or oatmeal with fruit.

Snack- Protein shake and all natural bar and fruit

Lunch-Open faced sandwich, salad, wrap etc

Snack- veggies and hummus with a hard boiled egg, jerky string cheese and fruit, trail mix, yogurt with berries, fruit and nut/nutbutter, or smoothie

Dinner- Protein and veggies combo (endless possibilities)

treat-dark chocolate, yogurt and berries, SMALL frozen treat

This is my plan stan! Follow if you wanna, don't if you don't!

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