Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Laundry Tackling

I have always hated the chore of laundry! I love the smell of warm clean clothes from the dryer, but I hate the process!!! So here are some tips I have to make life easier in this department.

#1 Keep it separated! I have these laundry baskets from the dollar store for each child.
I attach a lingere bag that zips to the front of each basket with clothes pins; this is where the socks go. Then I can just zip the bag wash and dry them and NEVER LOSE A SOCK TO THE LAUNDRY MONSTER EVER!!! I only buy white socks so now worries of the dreaded red sock bleeding problem! I get these mesh lingere bags at Walmart for $1 in the section that has ironing boards and drying racks.
I just dump the whole Laundry Basket into the washer because the kids clothes all pretty much have the same colors in them. If there is a red or hot pink I am worried will run I toss them in with Rob's and My stuff. For Rob an I, I just have the old three compartment sorter and sort darks colors and whites.

#2 Saving on Detergent. I have read a lot about homemade detergent and weather it was worth the hassel. I was buying on sale or with coupons and getting detergent for about $.07-$.10 per load wich I thought was pretty good. Then,I found out that a grated bar of soap and some washing soda (not baking soda) mixed equal parts does the trick. You don't REALLY need the Borax because it is ineffective in cold water. Who knew? So just equal parts mixed and use about 3TBSP per load will do the trick. This method is about $.02 per load!!! You still need to pretreat stains. For Whites, just use Dollar store Oxiclean
Or just use 1/2 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide in the bleach compartment. I still use Downy fabric softner and a Bounce dryer bar I will confess! I just can't give up that smell.....

#3 Making clothes last. Reuse what isn't dirty. Jeans, most pants, towels, PJ's can all be used more than one time. Air dry what you can. I have a drying rack that I dry blankets, and Ava's Dresses on. I hang her dresses on a hanger then on the rack. Things I don't want wrinkly, I just put in the dryer for a short time and then hang on the rack. Use the lowest heat possible.

#4 DON'T let it build up! We have about ten to twelve loads of Laundry per week (hoping there are no bed wetting or sickness going around)three for me and Rob, 1 for each child, 1 for towels, one for cleaning rags and the mop head, and bedding for each bed. That is too much to tackle in one day!!! I have had to learn to put a load in right when I wake up and then to fold and PUT AWAY right out of the dryer. Otherwise, I am going to have one LONG WASTED Saturday!!!

What are you favorite laundry tricks?

1 comment:

Mindy said...

my laundry tricks, sticking to clothes on friday/saturday, and sheets are always on mondays. i do towels whenever a load piles up! that helps me to stay on task. plus we are usually watching a movie on saturday night, so i fold it all while we watch and everything is ready for sunday!