Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What's Up!? Wednesday

So on Wednesdays I will do family updates. Here are the happenings of this week!

This little Lady likes to do naughty things and blame it on her brother. I don't doubt he had a heavy hand in the mischeif also but it is a litle crazy. This incident was after she poured out the entire container of sugar on the floor. I made her sweep it up.  

Ava LOVES to sing. I inherited these song cards from my job at the preschool. We have singing time everyday and she insists we sing every card.

I finally got around to taking pictures of the kids in their Easter Duds. Aren't they precious!?

Usually Ladybug gives a fake smile when I ask her to pose. This one seems pretty normal!

His Guilty look!

She LOVES flowers and smelling them! She also makes sure to bring some to her Mama!

My Sweet Monkey cuddling Mama!

Monkey covered in Sugar from the sugar incident! This was about five minutes after he pulled all the books off the bookshelves, all the clothes out of Ladybug's dresser, and spilled an entire glass of milk. Good thing he is cute!

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Wonderful Dad! Thanks for all you do!!!

1 comment:

Linds said...

Love the sugar face. It makes him look even more edible.