Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tips on Thursday

So on Thursdays I am going to share some ideas to make life easier!!! We can all use a little less stress right??? Here are a few things pertaining to LAUNDRY the never ending story! I used to be one who was SUPER picky about how my kids looked. I still like them to look nice and put together, but for heavens sake, they are 3 and 2 and kids get dirty! So I save their really nice things for special occasions (birthday's, Parties, Family Functions, Family Fun day, Holidays etc.) The rest of the time as long as its clean, matches, and their hair is combed I am happy. I used to change them every time they spilled, took a bath, ate a meal etc. That is a LOT OF CLOTHES!!

So now, We put on Tomorrow's Clothes as "Jammies" right out of the bath. Most of their clothes are soft enough and who made the rule we wear "Jammies" to bed anyway? They are clean and ready to go in the mornings and one less thing to wash. I know sometimes that isn't practical like they are wearing a dress or jeans the next day. In that case I would just put on a shirt and leggings or a pair of Jammie pants and change them the next day. It has helped a ton!

The other thing I do is treat the stain as soon as possible. I know it sounds dumb but it really helps. I use Simple Green as a stain treater it works like a charm. It is found in the automotive section.

Lastly, I fold and put away clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. I used to dread the MOUNTAINS of clothing waiting for me at the end of every week. If you do it as it happens it is much easier and usually takes less than 10 minutes. And who doesn't love folding and smelling warm laundry???

Good Luck!

1 comment:

Linds said...

I love the smell of warm laundry, but I sure to hate folding it.