Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Family Snapshot

I am going to write this blog as if you don't know me or my family. If you already do, maybe somethings will be a review. I am going to introduce you to my loves! Here is a little snapshot of each of us!
The Daddy and My Hot Hubby!
 This is my partner in crime Rob. He is a sweet, kind, caring, give-the-shirt-off-his-back, computer game loving, gentle, sci-fi movie, book reading, kinda guy. He is an excellent Daddy and loves teasing and tickling. He is my best friend and accepts me for who I am and loves me anyway! He should be given an award for putting up with my shenanigans. I love him with my whole heart and am the luckiest girl to call him mine.
The Mama
This is me! Annie is my name don't wear it out! I am a fun, outgoing, happy, girl. I love my family, popcorn, anything polka-dot, animal print, and lots of color. I love to read, dance, sing, and live life. I have a passion for helping others remember who they are and live their GREATNESS! I love to shop, put outfits together and eat healthy all on a budget! I love finding a good deal for something I love. I am LDS and I am SO grateful for the gospel and Jesus Christ in my life!
This is the Princess
This is my Ladybug! She is almost 3 and so fun and sweet! She is energetic, full of life, and outgoing! She is tenderhearted, quick to forgive, and loving. She love to sing, and loves Disney anything. She also has a great memory! She loves her brother and always says he is her best friend. She can be sassy and bossy both qualities I hope makes her a great example and leader someday. She is my sweet girl and I am SO grateful to be her Mom!
The Prince
This is my Monkey Boy. He is almost two. He is silly, loves to be the center of attention, and loves to dance. He is sweet and loving. He gives the best hugs and kisses complete with a "muah". He is my Miracle being born at 29 weeks. You would never know it now as he is quickly catching up to sister in both weight and height. He is full of energy, happiness, and forgiveness. He can be boisterous, mischievous, and curious at times, all things I hope make him an excellent problem solver and team player someday. I love this little guy and am so blessed to have him as my son.


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